Vito Preti is Accountable Manager and Head of Training at Professional Aviation. This is what Captain Preti says about himself: “I’ve always loved flying and started flying at 13 years old with paragliding and at 16 with ultralight aircraft, right on the airfield of Ozzano Emilia. After attending the Military Aeronautics Academy I trained as a military pilot with the USAF on the T-38 aircraft, and later flew various other aircraft, including the F104, G-222, AMX and MB339. Today I’m a captain in the business aviation sector, qualified as an instructor and an EASA and FAA airline pilot. I fell in love with the Cirrus aircraft in 2005 by going for a ride with an American friend. Ever since then I realized the potential of this incredible single-engine plane and followed its technical and commercial development. As a founding partner of Professional Aviation Ltd. I’ve always dealt both with the training and maintenance sides and, to this day, I am still utterly amazed of the capabilities and potential of this marvellous machine, by far the most innovative in the past 30 years of general aviation.
A modern company originated from this initial love, which is still carried on every day with passion and dedication, with the aim of spreading the love for flying that is passion and discipline at the same time.”